比奈子(夏川結衣 飾)小學時因父親工作關系搬到了東京生活,離開了四國以及四國的好友莎代里(栗山千明 飾)與文也(筒井道隆 飾)。離開之前,比奈子知道了關于莎代里的一個秘密。 15年后比奈子再次回到了家鄉,她見到了文也,莎代里卻因意外逝世了。比奈子總是感到莎代里就在自己的身邊,而且當她與文也越走越近的時候,他們倆親眼看到了莎代里的鬼魂。比奈子感到事情有點蹊蹺,于是要跟文也一起追查。 事實上,莎代里一直嫉妒比奈子能比自己早離開家鄉,而且這時候比奈子與文也相戀了,便更加刺激莎代里的鬼魂了。莎代里的家族充滿了神秘感,比奈子與文也更得知莎代里的母親要以一種環繞四國的方式,想要莎代里復生。 莎代里竟然真的死而復生了,再世為人的她依然念念不忘文也……
- 1.0恐懼回聲
簡介:After inheriting her grandfather's house, a young woman must confront the mystery of his sudden death and the evil that hides inside.
- 6.0回魂夜粵語
簡介:一場陰差陽錯的謀殺案,牽連了一棟大廈里多個無辜的人。 失戀女(莫文蔚飾)在七月半被男友拋棄,于是把自己關在房里,不斷往樓下扔東西發泄。兩個心懷鬼胎的保安也在此時醞釀打劫大廈的計劃。一對夫婦突然間不見了兒子,遂請求保安隊長(李力持飾)幫忙。隊長進入二人家中卻發現了另一樁與死去老婦有關的兇案。而此時失戀女發現了站在樓道口對著一盆花說話的神秘黑衣人(周星馳飾)。隊長發現了夫婦謀殺老母親的事實,遂被追殺。而此時老母親的鬼魂前來索命終被黑衣人制服。而夫婦也最終被黑衣人制服后墜樓身亡。含恨的厲鬼就要來索命,牽連該事件的若干人無奈之下只有與神秘的黑衣人合作......
- 3.0安妮的臉
簡介: You wake up in a shabby hotel room with no idea how you got there. You can’t recall your name. You discover there seem to be other young women in other rooms in the same predicament, though one of them seems to know your name: Anne. After an unpleasant encounter with a rather large cockroach, you have a screaming fit. That’s when the nurses arrive to sedate you. And by the way, when night falls, you’ll need to escape from a killer demon with the bloodied head of a deer. Faces of Anne relies heavily on elements of the slasher film – and in many ways, that’s exactly what it is. But the film is also a puzzle, whose central question – Why is Anne here? – allows us to explore theories as to its solution until the very last moment. Are we inside a video game? An escape room? The mind of someone with multiple personalities? The elaborate and nihilistic fantasy of a deranged serial killer? It’s nothing new to remark that the best horror films are often those that reflect the fears of society; this film builds a clever – and viscerally terrifying – analogy of some of the difficulties faced by today’s young people. 源自:
- 3.0魔力
簡介:1905年4月,一群時髦的巴黎婦女來到屠場,喝牛血作為治療貧血的方法,并成功地取得了成果。 附近有一個名叫馬克的小偷,他正計劃帶著一袋金幣前往倫敦,但必須避開他的追隨者。他發現在一座山中隔離著一座城堡,由兩名女服務員伊麗莎白和伊娃照顧,他們正在等待馬奇歐尼斯及其仆人的到來
- 1.0魔鬼記號
- 9.0魔兔之夜